First National Financial LP
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First National resources for June 2024

First National’s Resources & Insight Centre is your source for original perspectives on developments and industry trends, thought leadership and practical customer tools. Take a look at our content shared in June 2024 below.

Be your best - tips

Be your best - More tips for phone and video communication

The trick is going out of your way to consider your client’s needs and desires. This video shows you three more ways to enhance all your virtual communications.

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Anniversary - Akanksha Gambhir

Akanksha Gambhir shares why she’s most proud of her work ethic and how she’s felt supported both as a valued contributor and as a mother.

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Market memo - June 2024

Market Memo: Divergence - June 2024

Now that the Bank of Canada has clearly put itself on the path to interest rate cuts the word “divergence” is routinely working its way into economic conversations.

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